Feedback 17.09.25

Great pinup today – make sure to post your work on the blog and get the sharing going! We will have our next GH tutorial at 9am on thursday.

Some specific references you might find helpful:

Viktoria: Sierpinski triangle, also check out fraktalfabriken and polygo (could make your own for more quick fabrications), Fractal Cult Project,  L-systems

Erik: L-systems/perlin noise

James – paper on the British Museum, Daniel Piker’s blog on Rheotomic Surfaces

Siyana – Felix Candela, Kenzo Tange

Philip – Archidose rose window drawings

Olga – Sean Ahlquist

Sandra – fibonacci and golden ratio grasshopper componets

Adah – Folding techniques for designers, Ron Resch, Robert Lang, A.L. Scherer thesis booklet, Ori Revo, Tomohiro Tachi


Wasp plugin – Discrete Design with Grasshopper

Wasp is a set of Grasshopper components, developed in Python, directed at representing and designing with discrete elements. The description of each individual part includes basic information necessary for the aggregation process (part geometry, connections location and orientation). The set of connections define the topological graph of the part, which is then used to define the possibilities of aggregation with other parts.

The core of the framework relies on a set of aggregation procedures, allowing generation of specific structures from the combination of different modules. Each of these procedures is composed of strategies for the selection of basic aggregation rules, described as an instruction to orient one module over a selected connection of another module. Currently available procedures include stochastic aggregation and field-driven aggregation.


Significant parts of Wasp have been developed by Andrea Rossi as part of research on digital materials and discrete design at DDU Digital Design Unit – Prof. Oliver Tessmann – Technische Universität Darmstadt (

Tomas Saraceno “Sundial for Spatial Echoes”


Design Boom, Tomas Saraceno Sundail, Oslo

read full article here:

“visitors experience constantly-changing reflections from the building that evolve both ‘sundial for spatial echoes’ and the interior space in varied shades and colorings. The work recalls forms found in chemistry, biology, physics, and cosmos, building upon the symbiotic relationship between spaces, places, objects and ideas. these aesthetic and experiential sources encapsulate the feeling of the interdependencies of the system as a whole — making small changes in one string, for example, reverberates through the entire composition of the piece.”


Arthur C Clarke: Fractals: The Colors of Infinity

Arthur C. Clarke presents this unusual documentary on the mathematical discovery of the Mandelbrot Set (M-Set) in the visually spectacular world of fractal geometry. This show relates the science of the M-Set to nature in a way that seems to identify the hand of God in the design of the universe itself. Dr. Mandelbrot in 1980 discovered the infinitely complex geometrical shape called the Mandelbrot Set using a very simple equation with computers and graphics.