Light and Leading Lines

Looking into the Venn Diagram roof structure, it has several parameters that can be varied. The angle is defined by the direction of the path, however the spacing, thickness and depth of the beams can be varied to achieve a certain level of light, or a certain atmosphere in the space below. By using Grasshopper the parameters can be quickly tested.  

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This set of 3D printed models of the roof system keeps one circle constant while changing one parameter in the other circle. This shows the difference in the shadow effect, and how the appearance of the overlapping area changes. (Scale – 1:200)

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In this model, at a larger scale (1:100), I am investigating a more complex Venn diagram with three intersecting circles. By varying all three parameters in each circle, the different levels of lighting can be observed in the shadows. 

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The paths that generate the spaces provide more opportunity to express themselves. As they travel across the boundary, they can take the form of indoor and outdoor paths, windows, roof structure and ground level features such as steps or seating:

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